Captains Palace - Archaeological site - Ascoli Piceno (Italy)

Solo exhibition curated by: Giovanna Bonasegale e Andrea Valentini

Catalogue with critic text by Giovanna Bonasegale

Opening: Saturday, March 15th, 2008 - 6 p.m. at the Historic Caffe' Meletti

Exposition: from March 15th to 30th, 2008

Timetable: 10,00 - 12,30 a.m.; 4,30 - 8,00 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday

Free Entrance

Over fifty works of Massimiliano Orlandoni will be exhibited in Ascoli Piceno, in the archaeological site of the Captains Palace, in Piazza del Popolo, from March 15 to 30. A personal exhibition that gives the public the chance to appreciate the work of one of the most promising artists. The path of Massimiliano Orlandoni is dotted with notable awards in research and production photographs. His experience, the vocation and the ability allowed him to work for years alongside Mario Giacomelli. For several years Massimiliano investigates a new land, a smooth dialogue between photography and painting. Technique, manual, observation points, choice of materials can merge the two forms of visual art through a careful and deep reflection on the media, which for excellence combine photography and painting: light and substance. His accurate works - and in particular those new - giving rise to many considerations on the same poetry of contemporary art. At the attention of the public and the professionals will be proposal a strong revaluation of languages, that we could define drawn from the classical tradition of visual arts: interest in the composition space, the formal investigation on the structure of the painting, relief for the concept of "fragment", the analysis of light tones and its chromatic consequent effects. At the same time the works of Massimiliano Orlandoni contain the germ of a speech in the innovative way in which they addressed at the "tradition": no contamination, but a search of absolute primary elements of the painting. Sign, color, material in their essentiality, minimals, reduced, scabrous and, for this, more intense. (Giovanna Bonasegale)

VILLA PICENA - Contemporary Art

Via Salaria, 66 - Colli del Tronto

63030 Ascoli Piceno (Italy)

Tel. + 39 349 1572960

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